Lightforce Braces: The Clear Choice for a Radiant Smile in Austin

At Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, we understand that a beautiful smile can boost confidence and transform lives. That’s why we’re excited to offer Lightforce Braces in Austin, the latest innovation in orthodontic technology. In this blog, we’ll explore why Lightforce Braces stand out from the rest and why they’re the top choice for achieving a stunning, healthy smile.

What are Lightforce Braces?

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Happy smile of young woman with dental braces

Lightforce Braces are a revolutionary new system that combines the efficiency of traditional braces with the discretion of clear braces for adults. These braces feature sleek, translucent brackets and advanced archwire technology, making them both effective and aesthetically pleasing.

Advantages of Lightforce Braces

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

  1. Aesthetics: Lightforce Braces are designed to be discreet, with clear brackets that blend seamlessly with your teeth. This makes them perfect for patients who want a subtle orthodontic solution.
  2. Comfort: The smooth, rounded edges of Lightforce Braces ensure a comfortable fit, reducing irritation and discomfort, making them the most comfortable braces.
  3. Efficiency: Lightforce Braces are designed for fastest orthodontic treatment, getting you the smile you want in less time.
  4. Customization: Our team can customize Lightforce Braces to fit your unique needs, ensuring optimal results with our customizable braces solution.
  5. Hygiene: The smooth surface of Lightforce Braces makes cleaning easy, reducing the risk of plaque buildup and tooth decay.

Why Choose Lightforce Braces over Other Options?

Invisible Aligners: While clear aligners are popular, they may not be suitable for complex cases. Lightforce Braces offer the same discreetness with added effectiveness, making them ideal for orthodontic care for complex cases.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Traditional Braces: Lightforce Braces outshine traditional metal braces in both aesthetics and comfort.

Ceramic Braces: Lightforce Braces surpass ceramic braces in durability and stain resistance, making them the best orthodontic technology.


At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we’re committed to providing top-notch orthodontic care. Lightforce Braces offer the perfect blend of style, comfort, and efficiency, making them the clear choice for a radiant smile with Lightforce Braces. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our top orthodontist in Austin and discover the benefits of Smile Transformation with Lightforce Braces for yourself!

Choosing the right orthodontist for your child’s Invisalign First treatment is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s 25 years of unparalleled expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day.

Ready to unlock your dream smile? Contact Bee Cave Orthodontics at to schedule your free consultation today!

4 Reasons Getting Invisalign in College Is A Good Idea

Written by Dr. Charles Gemmi

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

While middle school and the teen age years are usually the most common time for orthodontic treatment, luckily there is no set time limit for when it will work. So if your parents couldn’t afford braces or Invisalign for you when you were younger, don’t worry. Your window of opportunity has not shut down for good.

Invisalign is a particularly good option if you are a college student because they are clear and most people won’t even know you are wearing them. Here are some reasons why getting Invisalign in college is not too late.

Never too late to improve your health

Crooked or misaligned teeth can affect your oral hygiene. Food can more easily become stuck between crooked teeth and it can be harder to get the toothbrush into those tight spaces in your mouth. Invisalign clear braces can be an effective solution for a myriad of teeth alignment problems, everything from a few crooked or protruding teeth to more serious problems like malocclusion, overbite or underbite. Now elastics can also be used with Invisalign aligners making it even easier to solve more serious dental problems.

The most common problems Invisalign braces are used to treat include gapped teeth, an overbite which occurs when the upper teeth protrude out over the lower teeth, underbite which is when the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth and an open bite where the teeth are not aligned properly for a proper bite. Other treatable issues are overcrowding of teeth and a crossbite which can happen if both the upper and lower jaws are not aligned properly.

Poor oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease and tooth loss and to a host of other illnesses. Did you know that gum disease has been linked to heart disease?

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

More confidence equals more success

When you don’t feel good about yourself, unfortunately it shows. When you are self-conscious about crooked, stained teeth or gaps in your mouth, you tend to only give tight-lipped smiles and hide your mouth behind your hands when you are talking. Plenty of studies have been done on the benefits of smiling and we know that smiling more makes us feel better about ourselves and influences how other people see you. College is all about meeting new people and exploring the world around you. Don’t let embarrassment about your mouth hold you back from getting the most out of your college experience. Smiling also helps relieve stress. With all the benefits of smiling, why let poor oral health hold you back any longer?

Invisalign is more comfortable and convenient

You have survived middle school and high school without the dreaded metal braces, do you really want to subject yourself to the embarrassment and discomfort in college? The great thing about Invisalign treatment is that they are more comfortable and convenient than traditional metal braces and they are clear. Most people won’t even know you are wearing braces.

With the metal braces, once the orthodontist places them on your teeth, they are permanently attached until he or she removes them when treatment is finished. Invisalign braces however were designed with the wearer’s comfort in mind. With these braces, you can remove them on your own for short periods of time, like for instance, if it makes it easier to eat or drink something or when you are cleaning and flossing your teeth. With Invisalign there are no barriers to getting a proper clean. Remember though that the longer you go without wearing them, the longer the teeth straightening process will take so only remove them when absolutely necessary. It is recommended that you wear them at least 20 to 22 hours a day.

Also because, Invisalign braces don’t include any metal or wires that could cause damage to the inside your mouth. The clear braces are designed with a smooth finish so that they are no sharp edges that can cause you discomfort. Also metal braces have been known to accelerate teeth decay because of the enormous amount of pressure put on the teeth. With Invisalign, you still get the desired results but in a way that is gentler on your teeth. There are also no restrictions on what food you can eat like with metal braces.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

You will know what to expect every step of the way

Braces are a big commitment of time and money so it can be a nerve-wracking decision. What if something goes wrong? What if I don’t get the results I wanted? With Invisalign, you won’t have those worries. When you choose Invisalign braces, there is less trial and error involved because everything is planned out ahead of time using special software. This means you will know what to expect ahead of time and there will be little room for guesswork. You will be able to feel confident throughout the whole process that the treatment is going as expected.

Typically once you start treatment, you will be given a new set of aligners to wear every 2 weeks. Each new set will move you further along in your treatment. You will also have a checkup with the orthodontist about every 6 weeks. You should be able to see progress at every stage of the treatment.

Overall, Invisalign clear braces has some clear advantages. Your braces will be less visible and more comfortable to wear and you will see results a lot quicker. The care of your Invisalign clear braces is also a lot easier. All you have to do is brush them and rinse them with warm water to clean them. Invisalign cleaning kits are also available.

Invisalign’s advanced technology means that your braces will cause less interference in your daily life, but at the same time be powerful enough to give you that beautiful smile. This is especially important in your college years when you just want to devote time to your studies and enjoying life. Get Invisalign Philadelphia treatment now so that by the time you graduate college, you will be feeling confident and prepared to take on the world.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Join Our Family!

With over 25 years of experience as an orthodontist and 17 in Austin as Chief of Orthodontics at Dell Medical Center, Dr. Adriana Da Silveira is a trusted expert in the field of orthodontics, renowned for her Invisalign expertise in treating even the most challenging cases. Her advocacy for Invisalign has taken her to numerous national and international platforms, including the AAO annual meeting and the Invisalign Ortho Summit. Her dedication to ongoing education and research ensures that Bee Cave Orthodontics remains at the forefront of advancements in treatment, technology, and care approaches.
Whether you’re a long-time patient or just starting your orthodontic journey, we thank you for being part of our family practice. Let’s celebrate many more years of smiles together! Contact us at