summer dental care Austin

Why Summer is the Best Time to See an Orthodontist in Austin, Texas


Summer can be an excellent time to see an orthodontist in Austin, Texas, for several compelling reasons:

Flexible Schedules

With school out for the summer, children and teenagers often have more flexible schedules. This makes it easier to book orthodontic appointments without having to miss school or extracurricular activities. Parents can also take time off more easily to accompany their kids.


Extended Appointments

Austin orthodontists may have more availability for longer or more complex procedures during the summer months. Patients are less likely to be in a rush, allowing for more comprehensive care.

Adjusting to Braces


If your child or teenager is getting braces for the first time, summer provides an ideal period to adjust. They can get used to new routines for cleaning and managing any discomfort in a more relaxed environment, without the pressures of school.

Healing Time

Initial soreness or discomfort associated with new braces or orthodontic adjustments can be managed more comfortably at home during summer vacation. This period allows for easier adaptation and care.


Better Oral Hygiene

Summer offers a break from the busy school year schedule, giving children more time to focus on establishing good oral hygiene habits, which is crucial when wearing braces. They can take the time to learn and implement proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Preparation for the School Year

Getting orthodontic work done in the summer can mean fewer disruptions during the school year. By the time school starts, the initial adjustment period will be over, making it easier for students to focus on their academics.



Seeing an orthodontist in Austin, Texas, during the summer can be less stressful and more convenient. It allows for a smoother transition into orthodontic treatment, ensuring that your child is ready for the upcoming school year.

By planning orthodontic visits during the summer, you can take advantage of flexible schedules, extended appointment times, and the opportunity for your child to adjust to braces comfortably. For top-notch orthodontic care in Austin, Texas, consider scheduling an appointment this summer!

Achieving Your Dream Smile with Dr. Adriana Da Silveira: A Journey of Expertise and Compassion

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

A Lifelong Calling

Since the age of five, Dr. Da Silveira knew that she wanted to be a dentist. This early aspiration sparked a journey that would take her to the forefront of orthodontic care, driven by her love for helping others achieve their best health and smile.

Personalized Care for Unique Smiles

Dr. Da Silveira understands that each patient’s smile is distinct, requiring tailored treatments that address their specific needs. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for utilizing the latest technology, she ensures that every individual receives the highest level of care. From children to adults, her expertise extends to a broad range of cases, including:
  • Cleft lip and palate care
  • Craniofacial syndromes
  • Jaw surgery
  • Sleep apnea treatment
  • Special needs care

A Legacy of Teaching, Research, and Service

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Dr. Da Silveira’s impact extends far beyond her clinic. As a dedicated educator and researcher, she has:
  • Published numerous peer-reviewed articles
  • Lectured nationally and internationally, spanning India and Europe
  • Participated in mission trips to El Salvador, providing care to those in need

Bee Cave Orthodontics: Your Partner in Achieving a Beautiful Smile

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

At Bee Cave Orthodontics, Dr. Da Silveira offers the highest level of expertise for Invisalign, Lightforce and other services for both adults and children in Austin. With the guidance and her dedicated team, you can trust that your smile is in capable hands. Contact us today at to schedule your free consultation and embark on a journey to a radiant, healthy smile that will last a lifetime!

The Power of a Perfect Smile: How Orthodontic Treatment Can Transform Self-Esteem and Confidence

As we navigate the complexities of daily life, our self-esteem and confidence play a vital role in shaping our experiences. A critical factor in developing a positive self-image is our physical appearance, and a beautiful smile is a cornerstone of this. At Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, our dedicated team understands the profound impact orthodontic treatment can have on one’s self-esteem and confidence.
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin
The Connection Between Smile and Self-Esteem
Research has shown that individuals with straight teeth and a well-aligned smile are perceived as more attractive, trustworthy, and confident. Conversely, crooked or misaligned teeth can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness. By investing in orthodontic treatment, individuals can experience a significant boost in self-esteem, empowering them to take on new challenges and pursue their goals with renewed confidence.
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin
The Confidence Boost of Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits that extend beyond a stunning smile. By correcting issues such as:
  • Crowding and spacing: Creating a more even and harmonious smile
  • Bite alignment: Ensuring proper function and comfort
  • Teeth straightening: Enhancing the overall aesthetic of your teeth
Individuals can enjoy:
  • Improved oral health: Easier cleaning and reduced risk of dental problems
  • Increased confidence: A radiant smile that commands attention
  • Enhanced overall well-being: A renewed sense of self-assurance that permeates all aspects of life
Experience the Best with Bee Cave Orthodontics
At Bee Cave Orthodontics, our expert team, led by Dr. [Last Name], is dedicated to providing top-notch orthodontic care in a warm and welcoming environment. We offer:
  • Personalized treatment plans: Tailored to address unique needs and goals
  • State-of-the-art technology: Ensuring efficient and effective treatment
  • Flexible scheduling: Accommodating busy schedules and lifestyles
Unlock the Power of a Perfect Smile
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin
At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are committed to providing personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our experienced team uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure effective and efficient treatment. We offer a range of orthodontic options, including clear braces, and Invisalign, to suit your individual needs and preferences. Choosing the right orthodontist is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s unparalleled 25-year expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day.
Don’t let self-doubt hold you back any longer. Embrace the transformative power of orthodontic treatment and discover a newfound sense of self-esteem and confidence. Ready to unlock the power of a perfect smile? Contact Bee Cave Orthodontics at to schedule your consultation.

Debunking Common Myths About Orthodontic Treatment

Are you considering orthodontic treatment but have concerns based on common misconceptions? At Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, we’re here to set the record straight and provide you with the facts.

Myth #1: Orthodontic treatment is only for cosmetic purposes

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

While a beautiful smile is a great benefit of orthodontic treatment, it’s not the only reason to undergo treatment. Straight teeth and a proper bite can improve oral health, reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, and even alleviate jaw pain and headaches.

Myth #2: Orthodontic treatment is only for children and teenagers

Not true! Orthodontic treatment can benefit people of all ages. In fact, many adults are now seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their oral health and achieve a more confident smile.

Myth #3: Metal braces are the only option

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Gone are the days of traditional metal braces being the only option. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we offer a range of options, including clear aligners, ceramic braces, and lingual braces, to suit your unique needs and preferences.

Myth #4: Orthodontic treatment is a long and painful process

With advancements in technology and orthodontic techniques, treatment times are shorter and more comfortable than ever. Many patients even report minimal discomfort during treatment.

Myth #5: Orthodontic treatment is unaffordable

At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we believe that everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile. We offer flexible financing options and work with your insurance provider to make treatment more accessible.


Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Don’t let myths hold you back from achieving the smile you deserve.
At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are committed to providing personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our experienced team uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure effective and efficient treatment. We offer a range of orthodontic options, including clear braces, and Invisalign, to suit your individual needs and preferences. Choosing the right orthodontist is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s unparalleled 25-year expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day.
Contact Bee Cave Orthodontics today to schedule a free consultation and discover the benefits of orthodontic treatment for yourself at

The Benefits of Straight Teeth: More Than Just a Beautiful Smile

Are you considering orthodontic treatment for yourself or your child? While a beautiful smile is certainly a welcome benefit, straight teeth offer many advantages beyond aesthetics. tAt Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, our expert team is dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy, functional, and stunning smile.
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin
Improved Oral Health
Straight teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Properly aligned teeth also help prevent wear and tear on the teeth and jaw joints, leading to a reduced risk of TMJ disorders.
Boosted Confidence
A straight smile can greatly enhance self-esteem and confidence, allowing you to feel more comfortable in social and professional settings.
Better Digestion
Properly aligned teeth ensure that food is chewed and digested efficiently, reducing the risk of digestive issues.
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin
Increased Durability
Straight teeth are less prone to chipping, cracking, and wear, reducing the need for costly restorative treatments.
Improved Speech
Straight teeth can also improve speech and articulation, ensuring clear and confident communication.
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin
Expert Orthodontic Care in Austin, Texas
At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are committed to providing personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our experienced team uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure effective and efficient treatment. We offer a range of orthodontic options, including clear braces, and Invisalign, to suit your individual needs and preferences. Choosing the right orthodontist is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s unparalleled 25-year expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day.
Contact Us
Ready to experience the benefits of straight teeth for yourself? Schedule a free consultation today at and discover the transformative power of orthodontic treatment.

When Are Braces Needed? A Comprehensive Guide by Bee Cave Orthodontics

At Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, we understand that the decision to get braces is a significant one for both children and adults. Braces not only improve the appearance of your smile but also enhance oral health by correcting various dental issues. We’ll explore when braces are needed and how to recognize the signs that orthodontic treatment might be right for you or your child.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin



Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin


Signs That Braces Might Be Necessary

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin


Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin


  1. Crowded or Crooked Teeth Crowding occurs when there isn’t enough space in the mouth for all the teeth to fit normally. Crooked teeth can result from genetics, early loss of baby teeth, or habits like thumb sucking. If teeth overlap, twist, or appear misaligned, braces can help straighten them.
  2. Gaps Between Teeth Gaps, or spacing issues, can occur naturally or due to missing teeth. These gaps can lead to food getting stuck, making it harder to maintain oral hygiene and increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  3. Overbite An overbite, where the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth, can cause jaw pain and excessive wear on the lower teeth. This condition often requires braces to correct.
  4. Underbite An underbite, where the lower teeth extend past the upper teeth, can lead to difficulty in biting, chewing, and speaking. Braces can help align the teeth and improve functionality.
  5. Crossbite A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth when biting down. This can cause tooth wear, gum disease, and bone loss. Orthodontic treatment is often necessary to correct this misalignment.
  6. Open Bite An open bite happens when the upper and lower teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed, often due to habits like thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. Braces can help bring the teeth into proper alignment.
  7. Difficulty Chewing or Biting If you or your child experience pain or difficulty while chewing or biting, it might be due to misaligned teeth or jaw problems that braces can address.
  8. Jaw Pain or Clicking Jaw pain, popping, or clicking sounds when moving the jaw can indicate a misalignment that braces can help correct, ensuring a healthier bite and reducing discomfort.
  9. Protruding Teeth Teeth that stick out, often referred to as buck teeth, are more prone to injury and can affect self-esteem. Braces can reposition these teeth for a more balanced appearance.
Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin


Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin


The Benefits of Braces

Braces offer numerous benefits beyond a beautiful smile. Here are some key advantages:

  • Improved Oral Health: Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Better Bite: Correcting bite issues can alleviate jaw pain and prevent tooth wear.
  • Enhanced Confidence: A straight smile can boost self-esteem and confidence.
  • Speech Improvement: Addressing dental issues can improve speech clarity.

Choosing the Right Time for Braces

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. This allows the orthodontist to detect any potential issues early and plan appropriate treatment. However, braces are not just for kids; adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment to correct long-standing dental problems and improve their smiles.

Why Choose Bee Cave Orthodontics?

At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are committed to providing personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our experienced team uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure effective and efficient treatment. We offer a range of orthodontic options, including clear braces, and Invisalign, to suit your individual needs and preferences. Choosing the right orthodontist is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s unparalleled 25-year expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you or your child are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, it might be time to consider braces. Contact Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, to schedule a free consultation at Our friendly team is here to guide you through every step of the orthodontic journey, ensuring you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

How Teeth Whitening Boosts Confidence and Transforms Lives: Insights from Bee Cave Orthodontics

A radiant smile can open doors to numerous opportunities, from career advancements to personal relationships. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we understand the profound impact that a bright, confident smile can have on your life. One of the most effective ways to enhance your smile is through professional teeth whitening. Here’s how having your teeth whitened can significantly boost your confidence and transform your life.

The Confidence Connection

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

1. Enhanced Self-Esteem: A dazzling smile can significantly enhance your self-esteem. When you know your teeth look their best, you’re more likely to smile freely and engage more confidently in social interactions. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we’ve seen countless patients walk out of our office with renewed confidence after a teeth whitening session.

2. Professional Success: In the professional world, first impressions matter. A bright smile can make you appear more approachable, trustworthy, and competent. Whether you’re going for a job interview, making a sales pitch, or networking at a corporate event in Austin, a whiter smile can give you the edge you need.

3. Positive Social Interactions: Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. A whiter smile can make you feel more attractive and approachable, leading to more positive social interactions. From meeting new friends to dating, a confident smile can open doors to new relationships.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening at Bee Cave Orthodontics?

1. Customized Treatment Plans: At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we understand that every patient is unique. Our team of experienced orthodontists tailors each teeth whitening treatment to meet your specific needs and goals, ensuring optimal results.

2. Safe and Effective Solutions: Over-the-counter whitening products can often lead to uneven results and increased sensitivity. Our professional teeth whitening treatments are safe, effective, and designed to minimize discomfort while maximizing results.

3. Long-Lasting Results: With proper care, the results of professional teeth whitening can last for years. Our team will provide you with guidance on how to maintain your bright smile, including tips on oral hygiene and lifestyle habits.

Real Stories, Real Results

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Transformations That Inspire: At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we’ve had the privilege of witnessing incredible transformations. One of our patients, Jerri Ann, a professional in Austin, shared how teeth whitening changed her life. “From someone who has always had grey teeth, the whitening result was transformative. I now love smiling.”

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Don’t let stained or discolored teeth hold you back. Experience the confidence that comes with a bright, radiant smile. Contact Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, today to schedule your teeth whitening consultation. Our friendly team is here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Call us at  (512) 334-0444 or visit book your appointment.

Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist:

Choosing an orthodontist is a significant decision that can impact your smile and overall oral health. To make an informed choice, it’s essential to ask the right questions. Here are the top questions to ask your orthodontist before starting treatment:

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

1. What Are My Treatment Options?

Why Ask This: Understanding your treatment options helps you know what’s available and what might work best for your specific dental issues.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • Can you explain the differences between traditional braces and Invisalign?
  • Are there any new technologies or methods available for my treatment?

2. How Long Will My Treatment Take?

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Why Ask This: Knowing the duration of your treatment helps you plan your schedule and set realistic expectations.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • What factors could affect the length of my treatment?
  • Is there anything I can do to help speed up the process?

3. What Will the Treatment Cost?

Why Ask This: Understanding the cost helps you budget and explore financing options if necessary.

Sample Follow-Up Question:

  • Do you offer payment plans or financing options?

4. What Are the Potential Risks and Side Effects?

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Why Ask This: Being aware of potential risks ensures you’re prepared for any complications that might arise.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • What are the most common side effects of this treatment?
  • How can I minimize the risk of these side effects?

5. How Often Will I Need to Visit for Adjustments?

Why Ask This: Knowing the frequency of visits helps you manage your time and understand the commitment involved.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • How long does each adjustment appointment typically take?
  • What happens during these appointments?

6. What Should I Expect During and After Treatment?

Why Ask This: Having a clear picture of the treatment process and aftercare helps you prepare mentally and physically.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • What kind of discomfort or pain should I expect?
  • What steps should I take to care for my teeth and braces during treatment?

7. What Experience and Qualifications Do You Have?

Why Ask This: Ensuring your orthodontist has the right qualifications and experience provides peace of mind.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • Can you provide any patient testimonials or before-and-after photos?
  • How long have you been practicing orthodontics?

8. What Is Your Approach to Emergency Situations?

Why Ask This: Knowing how emergencies are handled ensures you’re prepared if something unexpected happens.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • What constitutes an orthodontic emergency?
  • How can I contact you if I experience an emergency outside of office hours?

9. Are There Any Lifestyle Changes I Should Make?

Why Ask This: Understanding lifestyle changes helps you maintain your treatment effectively and avoid setbacks.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • Are there any foods or activities I should avoid?
  • How should I adjust my oral hygiene routine?

10. What Results Can I Realistically Expect?

Why Ask This: Setting realistic expectations helps you stay motivated and satisfied with your treatment outcome.

Sample Follow-Up Questions:

  • Can you show me examples of similar cases you have treated?
  • How often do patients achieve their desired results?


Asking these questions during your initial consultation can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision about your orthodontic treatment. Remember, a good orthodontist will be happy to answer your questions and ensure you feel comfortable and confident about your treatment plan.

Choosing the right orthodontist is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s unparalleled 25-year expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day. Schedule a free consultation today at

By incorporating these questions into your consultation, you can ensure that you’re well-prepared for your orthodontic journey. Don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist any additional questions you may have to make the best decision for your oral health.

Lightforce Braces: The Clear Choice for a Radiant Smile in Austin

At Bee Cave Orthodontics in Austin, Texas, we understand that a beautiful smile can boost confidence and transform lives. That’s why we’re excited to offer Lightforce Braces in Austin, the latest innovation in orthodontic technology. In this blog, we’ll explore why Lightforce Braces stand out from the rest and why they’re the top choice for achieving a stunning, healthy smile.

What are Lightforce Braces?

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Happy smile of young woman with dental braces

Lightforce Braces are a revolutionary new system that combines the efficiency of traditional braces with the discretion of clear braces for adults. These braces feature sleek, translucent brackets and advanced archwire technology, making them both effective and aesthetically pleasing.

Advantages of Lightforce Braces

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

  1. Aesthetics: Lightforce Braces are designed to be discreet, with clear brackets that blend seamlessly with your teeth. This makes them perfect for patients who want a subtle orthodontic solution.
  2. Comfort: The smooth, rounded edges of Lightforce Braces ensure a comfortable fit, reducing irritation and discomfort, making them the most comfortable braces.
  3. Efficiency: Lightforce Braces are designed for fastest orthodontic treatment, getting you the smile you want in less time.
  4. Customization: Our team can customize Lightforce Braces to fit your unique needs, ensuring optimal results with our customizable braces solution.
  5. Hygiene: The smooth surface of Lightforce Braces makes cleaning easy, reducing the risk of plaque buildup and tooth decay.

Why Choose Lightforce Braces over Other Options?

Invisible Aligners: While clear aligners are popular, they may not be suitable for complex cases. Lightforce Braces offer the same discreetness with added effectiveness, making them ideal for orthodontic care for complex cases.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Traditional Braces: Lightforce Braces outshine traditional metal braces in both aesthetics and comfort.

Ceramic Braces: Lightforce Braces surpass ceramic braces in durability and stain resistance, making them the best orthodontic technology.


At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we’re committed to providing top-notch orthodontic care. Lightforce Braces offer the perfect blend of style, comfort, and efficiency, making them the clear choice for a radiant smile with Lightforce Braces. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our top orthodontist in Austin and discover the benefits of Smile Transformation with Lightforce Braces for yourself!

Choosing the right orthodontist for your child’s Invisalign First treatment is a significant decision. Dr. Adriana Da Silveira’s 25 years of unparalleled expertise, innovative approach, comprehensive care, patient-centered philosophy, stellar results, and community trust make her the #1 choice in Austin, Texas. At Bee Cave Orthodontics, we are proud to have Dr. Da Silveira leading our team and transforming young smiles every day.

Ready to unlock your dream smile? Contact Bee Cave Orthodontics at to schedule your free consultation today!

4 Reasons Getting Invisalign in College Is A Good Idea

Written by Dr. Charles Gemmi

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

While middle school and the teen age years are usually the most common time for orthodontic treatment, luckily there is no set time limit for when it will work. So if your parents couldn’t afford braces or Invisalign for you when you were younger, don’t worry. Your window of opportunity has not shut down for good.

Invisalign is a particularly good option if you are a college student because they are clear and most people won’t even know you are wearing them. Here are some reasons why getting Invisalign in college is not too late.

Never too late to improve your health

Crooked or misaligned teeth can affect your oral hygiene. Food can more easily become stuck between crooked teeth and it can be harder to get the toothbrush into those tight spaces in your mouth. Invisalign clear braces can be an effective solution for a myriad of teeth alignment problems, everything from a few crooked or protruding teeth to more serious problems like malocclusion, overbite or underbite. Now elastics can also be used with Invisalign aligners making it even easier to solve more serious dental problems.

The most common problems Invisalign braces are used to treat include gapped teeth, an overbite which occurs when the upper teeth protrude out over the lower teeth, underbite which is when the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth and an open bite where the teeth are not aligned properly for a proper bite. Other treatable issues are overcrowding of teeth and a crossbite which can happen if both the upper and lower jaws are not aligned properly.

Poor oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease and tooth loss and to a host of other illnesses. Did you know that gum disease has been linked to heart disease?

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

More confidence equals more success

When you don’t feel good about yourself, unfortunately it shows. When you are self-conscious about crooked, stained teeth or gaps in your mouth, you tend to only give tight-lipped smiles and hide your mouth behind your hands when you are talking. Plenty of studies have been done on the benefits of smiling and we know that smiling more makes us feel better about ourselves and influences how other people see you. College is all about meeting new people and exploring the world around you. Don’t let embarrassment about your mouth hold you back from getting the most out of your college experience. Smiling also helps relieve stress. With all the benefits of smiling, why let poor oral health hold you back any longer?

Invisalign is more comfortable and convenient

You have survived middle school and high school without the dreaded metal braces, do you really want to subject yourself to the embarrassment and discomfort in college? The great thing about Invisalign treatment is that they are more comfortable and convenient than traditional metal braces and they are clear. Most people won’t even know you are wearing braces.

With the metal braces, once the orthodontist places them on your teeth, they are permanently attached until he or she removes them when treatment is finished. Invisalign braces however were designed with the wearer’s comfort in mind. With these braces, you can remove them on your own for short periods of time, like for instance, if it makes it easier to eat or drink something or when you are cleaning and flossing your teeth. With Invisalign there are no barriers to getting a proper clean. Remember though that the longer you go without wearing them, the longer the teeth straightening process will take so only remove them when absolutely necessary. It is recommended that you wear them at least 20 to 22 hours a day.

Also because, Invisalign braces don’t include any metal or wires that could cause damage to the inside your mouth. The clear braces are designed with a smooth finish so that they are no sharp edges that can cause you discomfort. Also metal braces have been known to accelerate teeth decay because of the enormous amount of pressure put on the teeth. With Invisalign, you still get the desired results but in a way that is gentler on your teeth. There are also no restrictions on what food you can eat like with metal braces.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

You will know what to expect every step of the way

Braces are a big commitment of time and money so it can be a nerve-wracking decision. What if something goes wrong? What if I don’t get the results I wanted? With Invisalign, you won’t have those worries. When you choose Invisalign braces, there is less trial and error involved because everything is planned out ahead of time using special software. This means you will know what to expect ahead of time and there will be little room for guesswork. You will be able to feel confident throughout the whole process that the treatment is going as expected.

Typically once you start treatment, you will be given a new set of aligners to wear every 2 weeks. Each new set will move you further along in your treatment. You will also have a checkup with the orthodontist about every 6 weeks. You should be able to see progress at every stage of the treatment.

Overall, Invisalign clear braces has some clear advantages. Your braces will be less visible and more comfortable to wear and you will see results a lot quicker. The care of your Invisalign clear braces is also a lot easier. All you have to do is brush them and rinse them with warm water to clean them. Invisalign cleaning kits are also available.

Invisalign’s advanced technology means that your braces will cause less interference in your daily life, but at the same time be powerful enough to give you that beautiful smile. This is especially important in your college years when you just want to devote time to your studies and enjoying life. Get Invisalign Philadelphia treatment now so that by the time you graduate college, you will be feeling confident and prepared to take on the world.

Bee Cave Orthodontics Invisalign for adults and kids in Austin

Join Our Family!

With over 25 years of experience as an orthodontist and 17 in Austin as Chief of Orthodontics at Dell Medical Center, Dr. Adriana Da Silveira is a trusted expert in the field of orthodontics, renowned for her Invisalign expertise in treating even the most challenging cases. Her advocacy for Invisalign has taken her to numerous national and international platforms, including the AAO annual meeting and the Invisalign Ortho Summit. Her dedication to ongoing education and research ensures that Bee Cave Orthodontics remains at the forefront of advancements in treatment, technology, and care approaches.
Whether you’re a long-time patient or just starting your orthodontic journey, we thank you for being part of our family practice. Let’s celebrate many more years of smiles together! Contact us at